Seria Transuman
6 august 2016 - ACUM

Notă importantă: Aceste informații probabil nu sunt pentru dumneavoastră decât dacă vă asumați întreaga responsabilitate pentru viața și creațiile proprii.
Seria Transuman este prezentată și înregistrată la întâlnirile lunare ale Crimson Circle. Primul channel al acestei serii a fost prezentat pe 6 august 2016 și va continua până în iulie 2017. Prin click pe unul dintre următoarele link-uri ale Shoud-ului puteți accesa versiunile text, audio și video ale fiecărui Channel (Shoud) sau puteți asculta sau descărca fișierele audio și video ale ficăruia.

Shoud 1: "Transhuman Series" - August 7, 2016

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Welcome and Shaumbra News

With Geoff and Linda Hoppe

A review of recent and upcoming activities and worldwide Shaumbra news and information.

Monthly Shoud

With Adamus Saint-Germain, channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe

The latest information from Adamus on current energies, world events and the evolution of human consciousness.

Shoud 2: "Transhuman Series" - October 1, 2016

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Welcome and Shaumbra News

With Geoff and Linda Hoppe

A review of recent and upcoming activities and worldwide Shaumbra news and information.

Monthly Shoud

With Adamus Saint-Germain, channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe

The latest information from Adamus on current energies, world events and the evolution of human consciousness.

Shoud 3: "Transhuman Series" - November 5, 2016

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Welcome and Shaumbra News

Monthly Shoud

Shoud 4: "Transhuman Series" - December 10, 2016

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Welcome and Shaumbra News

Monthly Shoud

Shoud 5: "Transhuman Series" - January 7, 2017

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Welcome and Shaumbra News

Monthly Shoud

Shoud 6: "Transhuman Series" - February 4, 2017

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Welcome and Shaumbra News

Monthly Shoud

Shoud 7: "Transhuman Series" - March 4, 2017

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Welcome and Shaumbra News

Monthly Shoud

Shoud 8: "Transhuman Series" - April 1, 2017

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Welcome and Shaumbra News

Monthly Shoud

Shoud 9: "Transhuman Series" - May 6, 2017

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Welcome and Shaumbra News

Monthly Shoud

Shoud 10: "Transhuman Series" - June 3, 2017

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Opening Session

Shaumbra News

Monthly Shoud

Shoud 11: "Transhuman Series" - July 1, 2017

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Welcome and Shaumbra News

Monthly Shoud
