Special Rooms

Conscious creators can build dimensions where none existed before. In these ‘rooms’ you can experience how your consciousness brings reality into existence.

Take a deep breath and enter these beautiful rooms if you need a respite, a connection, a bit of inspiration, or just to be. Feel how real they are simply because you are here.

Allow all the energies to serve you, with no expectations.

Enter the room of your choice

Quiet Room

“When you get confused about the fight within yourself - what to do, how to let it go, what the consequences are - come to this room. I will be here all the time. No more fighting within yourself. Stop all these limitations and arguments and holding back and self-prescriptions and all the other weird things that you do. Let yourself be free.

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Facets of Wisdom

Enjoy these morsels of wisdom from Shaumbra around the world.

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Master's (G.A.M.E.) Room

During 48 hours before and after the full moon, the room will be occupied by the energies of more than 1500 incarnate Ascended Masters.

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