Connect with Shaumbra

Connect with Shaumbra

“Shaumbra” refers to a specific group of humans going through the process of awakening, Realization and embodied mastery.

We share ancient connections and friendships that began in the temples of Atlantis, rekindled in the times of the Yeshua (Jesus) and later in the secret Mystery Schools. In modern times, we have reconnected once again to fulfill the “Shaumbra Dream” of embodying divinity and shining light to the world. We continue to rediscover each other and welcome all who feel part of this ancient affiliation and journey.

Shaumbra is also inclusive, a “title” that anyone who resonates with Crimson Circle may bestow upon themselves. No one but you can decide whether or not you are Shaumbra, but if you’re here, there’s a good chance you are. Welcome!

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