Angels Program

Angels Program

Our cherished Angels provide essential energetic and financial support, inspiring global consciousness.

The passion, love, and dedication of Angels form the cornerstone of Crimson Circle, enabling us to grow, keep pace with technological advancements, deliver exceptional customer service, and continually offer new material to support humanity’s enlightenment.

Why the Crimson Circle Angels?

In September 2009, Adamus Saint-Germain asked Shaumbra to add their energy to the Crimson Circle; to be involved and contribute in some way to the well-being of the organization. This could be as simple as sending blessings, volunteering at events, or contributing financial support. At that point, because so many people wanted to send in regular donations, we created the Crimson Circle Angel program as a way for Shaumbra to participate with their financial support.

How are Angels' funds used?

Financial contributions from Angels provide support for the many different programs and activities of the Crimson Circle, including the extensive Crimson Circle website, free monthly Shoud webcasts (plus audio & video recordings, transcripts and text translations), highly responsive customer services, multiple social media communities, the Shaumbra® Magazine, as well as the Crimson Circle Store, which provides a vast array of life-changing presentations and free downloads.

How does it work?

If you are interested in supporting Crimson Circle through the Angel Subscription Program, there are three levels of participation to choose from. Depending on your choice, benefits include (but are not limited to):

  • Access to two special “subscribers only” Adamus channels each year
  • Discounts on products, Cloud Classes and live-hosted events
  • Extended access to Cloud Classes
  • Advance notice of workshops
  • Special announcements of new releases
  • Membership to the House of Angels, a private social area

No obligation

Although it is always very much appreciated, there will never be any pressure or requirement to become a Crimson Circle Angel or to send financial support, and we never ask for donations. This program was created for those who desire to support, energetically and financially, the work all of us are doing, and also provides a way for us to express our appreciation in return.

Becoming an Angel

If you would like to become a Crimson Circle Angel, please click the link below to see the Angel benefits and select your preferred level of support. We will list your name below. If you rather be anonymous, you can do so by updating your status on your store account. To learn more please go to our Service Center.

Become an Angel

We extend sincere and heartfelt gratitude to these and other anonymous Angels who choose to financially support the Crimson Circle. Together we bless and expand the consciousness of All That Is.

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