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New Earth Series / 4

Two Earths

December 11, 1999


Summary - coming soon


  • You are experiencing exactly what you're calling for. What is your message?

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"Two Earths"

Presented at the Crimson Circle
December 11, 1999

TOBIAS: And so it is, my dear friends, that we gather here with you in your circle on this evening. We have been in anticipation of this time when our family gathers again, for it seems like so long ago when we gathered together in the group.

There is much information to relay on this night. There are many words you will hear, many images you will see, my friends, but above all, it is the energy that is important here. If you go off to sleep during this discussion, you have lost nothing, for it is the energy being relayed and transmitted - it is the energy of love, it is the energy of completion - that is here on this night.

Now, before we get into the discussions of this evening, I Tobias will speak through our friend Cauldre, and as I do, we will work with all the entities who come in now to adjust the energies here. We call them the "weavers" for they are here to meld the dimensions, to meld the worlds together. They are here to help create that new space that we sit in. In so many channels before, we have said that the energy that is created here, when the human melds with Spirit, when the humans open their hearts up to let the sacred energy in, that is the new energy, the energy that you are going in to in you new times. So we call in the "weavers" now to do their work. We call on each human angel who sits here to simply open and allow for this opportunity, to allow for this melding.

Now, as the angel Bill (Austin) was speaking of before (during the meditation), of a thousand years ago at a place called Stonehenge, the ones who were there, the ones who were finalizing the energy for that time, to make way for the new time, the beings who were gathered around whether it was in the specific geographic location or whether they were connected by heart, these humans who had been holding the energy had been preparing it for the second millennium. These, my friends, were you and others who are family. So if there was a familiar feel to that journey, it was because each of you were there, and each of you knew at that moment, when Spirit asked if you would come back in another thousand years to be here gathered together again, to pass the baton of energy of the old to the energy of the new, to pass that baton from your right hand to your left hand. For it is that each of you will carry the energy into this new age. It was you that was there a thousand years ago and you that returns again. You are indeed "tenders of the light.

Now, many interesting things will be happening for you personally, for you as a group of humans, for you as family, and for you as a planet in these days to come.

First, you will see an interesting rewrite of your human history of the past two thousand years, as there come new discoveries. Ancient texts that have been long buried are now ready to come forth. What you thought was history, what you excepted as reality, will change. Oh, and certainly this will shake the academic world and the scholars and those who have held the energy of your structured religions. It will be controversial when these documents from various parts of the world come forth, each bringing in a truth that is connected to the other truths that are coming forth. And it will be very difficult to deny the new truth, the truth of where you have come. These documents and these new truths will be coming soon, and they will continue to occur for the period of the next 12 years of your time. They will be all related to each other.

You will look at these truths and you will wonder about the history that you have learned, and wonder if perhaps that history that you have been taught by your teachers was wrong. But we tell you, my friends, it was not wrong history that you learned in the past. What you learned was appropriate for the times. But as we have said to this very group in channeling, each of you, who are here and all who are parts of family in other parts of the world, are literally rewriting your history by overcoming your challenges, and by the light that you now bring forth.

It is not that your history books are wrong. It is that you are transcending time and literally changing the outcome of the events that have happened in the past.

Watch your newspapers. Watch your news. They will be telling you that what was now has a different twist to it. And remember when you hear these things on your television programs and on the Internet, it is not that your old history is wrong. It is that you have healed your past, the past that stood a thousand years ago. You have changed the history and energy of that past.

The way you exited your past lives, in trauma or anger or hurt, you are going back now by the work you do in this lifetime and healing those past lifetimes. You are literally changing the course of past history.

Now, those who have come here to "weave" the energies in this room have completed their work. If you would allow yourselves now, my friends, to be in this sacred energy, melded with All That Is. This is the melding of Spirit and Human into oneness. Simply allow yourself to feel the sacredness, and certainly the empowerment, where you sit now, for indeed, each of you is an angel. You know this now. Each of you came here as powerful beings, and always have been, for it take tremendous power to come from the etheric levels " the high vibration levels " to walk the earth as you have done. It takes tremendous power.

Those who have come to "weave" the energy now leave this space to leave us alone for the discussions of this night.

In the past, my friends, we have invited in those that you would consider your guides and angels into this circle. But as you know from previous discussions, your guides and angels have retreated from your direct energy field. In a gift of love to you, they do this so you can now take on your own space and your own empowerment. They have certainly been there in love, but they have moved from your direct energy field. Tonight, the ones who come in, who join us in this room, are not your guides and angels. They are not the entities of your past lives. There are 12 who come to join on this night. With your permission they enter the sacred energy that we are in. With your permission given from the heart, the 12 come forward, and you would know them by the name Archangel. Oh yes, there are 12 here tonight. There are seven who are more familiar to you and to your religious scholars. There are five that are not so well known for their work takes place outside of the direct energy of earth, but yet they are highly involved in the work that you do, highly involved.

The 12 are angels, gathered behind you, glowing, for they love to be in this space. Each of them knowing the significance of this group, of this time, and of you. There are seven and five, my friends. Do you understand the symbols? There are seven physical human chakras and five etheric chakras. There are 12, and 12 who gather here with us.

As we have said before also, even as you have seven plus five chakras, they are now melding into one, into a single energy center. These archangels, each of who has had a task and a purpose working with you, each who has been a guide to you in your old ways, will now in your new time be melding into one. The come here tonight to feel the presence of you, to marvel at what it is like to be transitioning into such a sacred new energy.

Now, before we move into the actual discussions of the night, we come to our favorite time. This is the time when, with your permission given, vocally or in silence, but given from your heart, when the angels come forward to hug you and touch you. They come forward to thank you for the gifts you have given to all through your journey here. We will ask our friend Cauldre who channels our thoughts to be in silence for a moment. Simply open your hearts and allow these 12 to honor and thank you, and to remind you of the deep friendship you have always had with them.


Oh, it is so appropriate that your new millennium has the number of two " has the number of two " for as we have said in previous channels here, there is a new place being created. For this new creative event is not ONLY millions of light years away in the Universe. You are only seeing a reflection, a resonance, of this new energy we call the Second Creation. The Second Creation is the energy of love and hope and the energy of truth. The work that you have done here on earth is the foundation in this new place. You see the effects of this in your universe and in your stars. And we will talk more of this Second Creation in a moment. But understand the number is significant.

Now, we have given our friend Cauldre (the channeler) some of the background information for the discussion of this night so he would not be astounded. (chuckling) Sometimes the information we pass through, he is not so sure of, so he tends to hold back. We have been spending the past few weeks working closely with him to assure that this information comes through, to assure that he is comfortable with it. And we bring this forth to you now. It is simple. It is in truth. But it may be difficult to grasp initially, until you are used to working with it.

To begin:

In two days your time, on the date of December 13, 1999, there will be on your earth a form of measurement. A form of energy understanding that takes place. Now, you have gone through several other measurements, so this will be nothing new in terms of having your energy levels taken. In your year of 1987, there was a measurement taken and most humans felt nothing on this day. Most did not even know that Spirit was looking at the balance of light and dark.

And on this day of December 13, most humans will not know that Spirit is taking a new measurement of light and dark. A new measurement of direction and future will occur on that day. But this date is most significant for each of you here. It is the date when your soul, your being, is asked which way you would like to proceed. It is a measurement of where you stand. It is a request from Spirit for each of you that will come forth that day, to ask if you are ready to continue with the journey. The journey of holding the light. The journey of creating the energy of the new creation.

It is a request that Spirit asks, knowing... knowing the depth and seriousness that is contained in the question. For we know, and Spirit knows, how difficult and alone the human journey can be. We know things are not always as they seem.

This energy measurement will be taken for earth in general, and for each human. And again, they may not be aware that this is an important transition point. It amuses us that all of the focus has been on your Y2K, your transition of a calendar. This has been appropriate, for quietly comes in the measurement. Quietly comes in the measurement.

My friends, know and understand this day is significant, for it is an energetic halfway point between the measurement taken in 1987 and the final measurement of what is projected to be the year 2012. We say this is an energetic midway point. By now, according to the old prophecies, your earth would have been much in shambles. The measurement would have been taken at this point to determine how to proceed. But as you know, based on the love and the intent of the humans, who walk the earth, the earth is not in shambles. The earth is looking very healthy now.

Look around you at your economies. Look at the great inventions that are taking place in medicine, in communications and many other fields. Look at the peace that is in most places of your earth. Look at the abundance in your own lives now. This was not prophesized to be at this time.

There would have been small bands of humans left on earth in the old history. They would have carried on the work of the new civilization. But here you sit. Here you sit.

Now as this measurement is taken and it is accessed and the appropriate adjustments of your grids take place - based on this measurement - there are many things that will happen. We will try to explain.

In a sense, my friends, you can look at it as the beginning of the separation of realities of earth. Earth will move into two different realities existing side-by-side together. Two different truths living side-by-side together. This will be like having a sunrise and a sunset occurring simultaneously. It will feel strange if you are not prepared for it. It will feel like most uncomfortable. But you and other lightworkers who have done much work in energy transmutation and understandings will know what is happening.

Literally, after the energy measurement takes place, you could imagine two different earths, now appearing side-by-side, together. They will be in the same space, but they will be different. There will be the earth of the new energy, for those who are willing - or for those who have taken the leap across the chasm (Tobias makes reference to a previous channeling about the Spiritual Chasm) - who are willing to go into a place of love, and who are willing to be the pioneers in the new energy.

The new earth will have an energy for those who have released their karma. Perhaps there is some residue left, but they have released their karma. They have rewritten their history.

This new earth will have different energy attributes associated with it, different than the other world that lives side-by-side. And we are here to tell you, dear friends, that you and other lightworkers who go into this new energy earth will be existing side-by-side with other, who have chosen for karmic reasons not to go into it. They will be living in another reality, or a separate truth, side-by-side with you. You'll be working with them, you'll be talking with them, you'll pass them on the street and at the theatre and at your ball games. But you will be living in two different worlds! The energies of yours will be different from the energies of theirs.

As we have said, this may be uncomfortable at first. You may feel that energetic draw or tug to be back in that old space. But you do not need to worry about being pulled back into the old. Your energies, the grids of the earth, and the reality where you live will be different. They will not allow you to be pulled back.

For those who do not move forward into this new energy world that exists side-by-side with the old energy world, we ask you to honor each one of them. We ask you to understand they are still walking through their paths and their understandings, and that is appropriate. It is truly appropriate for some to stay in the old energy, for they also continue to be an anchor of the energy. For it is not appropriate for all of you to shift into the new at this time, for that would cause an imbalance. So there are those who are agreeing to stay in the old energy to continue to balance, and continue to anchor.

Two worlds, side-by-side. Two realities coexisting together. One not knowing that the other has changed. One not understanding that there are two worlds. The other world of the new energy blessed with great understanding, but yet great responsibility. Responsibility to guide those who seek your help to come through that tunnel, to release all that no longer serves them. To change their history books as well, in order to be in your reality.

The measurement takes place in two days of your time (December 13, 1999). We share this with you for you will start to feel an intensity you have not yet felt. A true change, a change you have had anxiousness about and had some previews about. But this will be a true change. There will be no doubt about it, in your mind, of what is happening. You will be able to literally feel the earth - the energies of earth - become two rather than one. You will be able to see the great divide occur.

Some of this may bring sorrow to you. Some of it may bring melancholy. Some of it you may want to scream to your friends and family to tell them what is going on, to bring them over to the new energy world. Understand the appropriateness of this change at this time. You will also see evidences of this in the earth changes that will begin to occur now, more rapidly.

We ask you to watch your news to see the changes that will begin occurring. Again, most humans will not be so aware of what is going on. They will not understand the implications of the SERIES of events that take place. Each individual event may not seem large, but when you connect the dots together, and you look at the series of events that are taking place, you will begin to see of what we speak.

There will be adjustments - large adjustments - in your magnetic grids of earth that take place, causing some physical discomfort and definitely emotional imbalance. You will be able to literally see this occurring if you plot your magnetic (field) intensities of earth, and the magnetic (pole) movements of earth. From this, you will be able to see the changes that occur after the date of December13, 1999. Again, it is the energetic halfway point between the major measurement that was taken in 1987 and the conclusion of this time period in your year 2012.

This is the time of split, as we would call it. It is the time of becoming two earths. And this is appropriate, for in your future, after what is projected to be the year 2012 - a time of quantum change - there will be two earths that exist, and they will no longer be side-by-side. They will not be in the same space together. They will be two after this date (2012). This date, as you know, is not fixed. It is simply a weigh point in the future. The final change could occur before this time, as early as the year 2007. But for now, we simply say we are at the midway point.

Shortly after the measurement of December 13 will occur a very powerful astrological event. It is an event that was planned many eons ago. This is a specific alignment of the planets in the fifth month of your new millennium. The purpose of this event is to bring in a new energy. It is an energy of renewal. It is an energy of resources. The bottom line is that it is an energy of empowerment that comes in the fifth month.

Now, this event has been lining up for a long, long period of your time. And again, it was assumed from your prophets that the earth as you know it would no longer exist. There would only be small pockets of humans that remained after the major cleansing. This alignment of the planets in the fifth month would bring them new energies to build a new human race.

Again, my friends, the earth is different. There was no need for destruction and chaos on earth. The vibration level has been raised high, so that this energy that comes in can be used by you and by all humans. It is the energy of the new empowerment.

So, if you can see the schedule of events that are happening, in two days there is the measurement and the beginning of separation. In five more months, a new empowerment will come to each and ever one of you. And then things will truly start happening! (chuckle).

We bring this down to a personal level for you now. We share with you what you can do now in your lives as humans, for each of you have asked the question, "What is it that I should know, and what is it that I should do, Spirit?"

We give you somewhat of an answer that you may not expect, although, look at the simplicity and look at the truth in this answer. To help you explain this, we give you two scenarios.

The first is the scenario of the old energy world. In the old energy world, there is a movie being made. It is a simple movie. It is about a human on a bicycle pedaling across the country, going through various experiences. This human has no map, he simply follows roads hither and yon. He has many experiences along the way. But he must get on the bike every morning and steer, and battle the winds, and the sun and the elements, and he must deal with traffic on the road. And it is difficult and the human's muscles ache. The human must stop for food and for rest. It is a difficult journey.

Oh, there are many blessings, but it is a difficult journey. We use the metaphor of the bike because it is not so simple as getting in the car and turning on the key and pressing the gas pedal. No, the journey of the human up to now has been having to pedal and steer and try to figure out where to go without a map, and without knowing. "Falling" into experience.

And then there is the human of the new energy that moves into this new earth after this measurement is taken. And in this scenario of the movie of the human on the bicycle, the human and the bicycle are not moving. They appear to be mysteriously floating and balancing. The backdrop is moving, not the human on the bicycle.

Now, to all others who see this movie later, it will APPEAR that the human of the new energy is pedaling and making the bike go. But it is not. The BACKDROP is moving.

The story here is simple, my friends. You will be moving into an energy where you do not need to pedal, where you do not need to "figure out" what to do next. Where you do not need to battle in your own mind "what it is you should know" or "what it is you should do" for it will come to you. You will be in a place of grace ad peace and empowerment. The SCENERY will change. It will come to you as appropriate. It is not a simple, two-dimensional road that you will be on. The scenery is multi-dimensional and will change constantly all around you. You simply need to be in the Present Moment. You do not need to worry about where you should be or what you should be doing next. For when you sit still upon your bicycle, you will come to a knowingness that all things are as they should be. That you do not need to worry about you next experience, for it will be drawn to you from the grand potentials. From the choices that are out there, the appropriate new "backdrop" will be brought in to you.

You will not need to stress about making your house payments if you sit quietly upon your bicycle. You will not need to worry about what your job should be, for the appropriate job will come to you. The scenery moves - the environment changes - you do not.

This may seem a bit uncomfortable at first, for you will wake even tomorrow morning and want to know what you should do. Simply sit upon your bicycle! Oh, you worry that your bicycle will tip over without you pedaling and working. Know, my friends, you are an empowered human and that the bicycle will be balanced on its own. Know and trust in your heart that the appropriate, new backdrop will be brought in.

What does this mean? This means that individuals will come to you in synchronistic ways that have never happened before. They will come to you when it is time for them to be healed, and when it is time for them to go from the old energy world into the new.

All things that you need will be brought forth to you. The bicycle will remain the same, the backdrop changes. You do not need to fear whether you have been good or bad, or what your balance of light and dark is. You have gone through that... you have truly released your karma. You have rewritten your histories. There are still residues of karma that are there, but sit in a place of love on your bicycle - in a place of trust - and watch what happens. You will be amazed. It will be the antithesis of the way humans have lived their lives up to now. For each day they trudge out the bike, they struggle up the hills and wonder what comes next, fear what lurks in the trees and the bushes, and wonder when they're going to get a flat tire.

That is the way of the human of the old energy. You are defining the way of the human of the new energy. Through your trust in Self and Spirit, you will create this new way. You will be amazed at what happens when you sit still and allow those appropriate things to come to you. Even when your intellect tells you this is not the way to go " when it sends up the danger signals " simply take a deep breath and release, and know and trust in your sacredness.

We would not be sharing this with you if this was not truth. Your guides would not have withdrawn from your direct energy if it was not time for each of you; if the measurement was not being taken at this time; if it was not appropriate to begin the new journey; if there was not a group of family of lightworkers that were ready to begin experiencing the attributes of the new energy.

It will seem strange at first, to simply be still. You will want to control things. You will, perhaps, have fear. You will think you should be doing something, but my friends, you ARE doing something. And you will begin to understand that as you sit upon your bicycle and allow all things to come to you. And as they come to you, you will know what to do with them. When the human comes to you and says they are suffering and says they can no longer continue as a human in physical form, you will know what to tell them. You will know what is appropriate. It will come from a place within you that is of the greatest truth and the greatest light. And it will almost knock you off your feet to see who you are! You will be amazed at what comes forth from your mouth and your heart! It only takes an "allowing" and a "being" to have this happen.

This same energy and information that we give you tonight is being given to others across your world. There are ways of explaining the same information, that it IS time. Each of you have been through so many struggles in your lifetimes. Each of you here has the strength of intent that creates new universes. You have had the strength of intent to be in a place of love, to overcome the challenges, to battle the darkest, darkest of battles, and to stay here, to move forward and to be part of the event that you have been waiting for.

It is time for the measurement. It is the beginning of two worlds, simultaneous. It is the alignment of planets to provide for true empowerment. So, this is our simple way of saying, "Your time is here now." If you are uncertain of any of this, watch the events in your news in the coming days and weeks and months to see what happens, to see of what we speak.

What is truly happening, my friends " what is truly happening " is that each of you came here with the energy of love, with the energy of Christ shining and glowing within you, to Create this world. You came to earth and became physical beings. You became locked into the density of earth, and you shared your vibration with Mother Earth, intentionally. You came to be Beings of mass and solidness. You went through dark events in your lifetimes on purpose. You went through these events at your choice, with the understanding of the light and dark.

But this Christ light that you carried in with you, you also hid to protect it deep within your consciousness. It had to be protected. The angel that you are protected the Christ light within. This Christ light needed to be hidden away until the appropriate time.

You wonder what you have been seeking and missing. You wonder about your soul mates. You wonder about your true love. You wonder why you do not feel whole. It is because you have hidden - intentionally - this Christ light in your consciousness. You have protected it like the parent protecting the child. And now that you have gone through your cycles of life, now that you have gotten off the karmic wheel, now that energies of the planet and the human mass consciousness and in particular your own energy are appropriate, this Christ light that you carry is ready to come forward. Nurture it like a child. Assure your Self that you are safe and protected. Assure your Self that you are in the greatest place of trust and grace with Spirit, and that you would bring no harm to your Christ light, to your Christ child. For it is wanting to be birthed once again.

These metaphors are strong, my friends. The Christ light within you is wanting to be birthed again. That's why you have felt the things you have been going through these past few months, in particular. That is why the discomfort. That is why the aching within your being.

Two days from this day is the measurement. Two days from this day you will be leaving. You will be leaving the old earth.

And so it is.