Monthly Webcast
Monthly Webcast
Illumination Series
6. Love 2.0 – A Turning Point
Illumination Series
1. Khamsa – Your Light, Darkness and Flow
2. Your Wisdom in 21 Shaumbra Realizations
3. Drop the Shaumbra Curse and Shine Your Light!
4. The Year of the Dragon, AI & Aerotheon
5. Breaking Through with Love, Gratitude and Magic
6. Love 2.0 – A Turning Point
7. Light is Imagination
8. What Really Matters?
9. New Levels of Sensitivity
10. No Greater Being in All of Creation
11. The Grandness of Being Human
ALT Series
1. ALT Brain, Neurodivergence, and Mastery
2. Neuro Divergent, Neurotunitis, and Divinity
3. Meticulous Quality, Sam's Story, and the Apocalypse
4. Observation and Self-perception Create Reality
5. Safe Space in a Crazy World
6. Preparing for Heaven’s Cross
7. Spiritual Pirates at the Altar of the Soul
8. Realm Workers, Shaumbra Attributes, and Dark Energies
9. Light Changes Reality
10. You Are Diamonds in the Sky
11. It’s in the Air, Simply Receive
Art of Benching Series
1. The Zero Point is Your Divine Creative Center
2. Fading Sculptures and Dissolving Identities
3. Reclaim Your Innocence
4. The Natural Protection of Mastery
5. Stand in Your Light
6. Humanity Says “No More” to Power
7. Benching in the Now
8. DreamWalk into Darkness
9. Darkness, Light, and the Origins of Evil
10. Overhead Consciousness
11. The Rights of a Master
Merlin I Am Series
1. The Merlin’s Guide to Embodied Survival
2. Mastering Your Energy by Accepting Realization
3. Æterna, Fantasy, and Consciousness Shifts
4. Awakening Sensuality and Ancient Connections
5. Super Sensory Living
6. Global Consciousness Reset
7. Ensynch - In the Flow of Your Energy
8. Soul Gifts of Harmony, Flow, and Happiness
9. Trésort is the Treasure of Total Self-Trust
10. Fracturing Time and Embracing Self-Love
11. Merlin goes Beyond Time into Magic
Passion 2020 Series
1. Magic 101 for the Modern Merlin
2. Freedom or Suffering, it's Your Choice
3. Miracles, Magic, and the End of Suffering
4. A Few Blocks Off Main Street
5. A Year of Metamorphosis and Realization
6. Emerging into Realization
7. Angels and Aliens Are Called Home
8. A Historic Day – Order of the Arc and Angelic Families Disband
9. Allowing Realization as Earth Goes Quiet
10. Please Stay – You’re Needed Here
11. Illumination for the Re-Imaginers
12. Own Everything in Your Life
Emergence Series
1. The Human’s Last Hurrah
2. The Wisdom of Experience, A Super Sense
3. Your Soul's Destiny and Greatest Love
4. Energy Awareness and Perception
5. New Friends for the New Year
6. The Intimate Sense of Truth
7. Aspects, Beliefs, and the Return of Dignity
8. Atlantean Headbangers Break Free
9. Breaking Free from ‘The Land of Blue’ Headbands
10. You’re Crazy Until You’re Not
11. Time of the New Merlins
Wings Series
1. Life is Just a Big Fat Story
2. These Things Are Not Yours
3. Alt Reality Beyond Hypnosis
4. It’s in the Air
5. Three Imperatives for Going Forward
6. Weird and Ahead of Your Time
7. Listen to the Master, the Dream is Fulfilled
8. From Intelligence and Memory to Awareness
9. Losing the Human, Revealing the Master
10. Stop Testing Yourself
11. Stop Being a Victim to Yourself
Transhuman Series
1. Life in the Rearview Mirror
2. Elections, Relationships, and Mastering Up
3. A Quantum Shift Beyond Old Patterns
4. Stories Across Time
5. Unhypnotize Yourself, Become Transsensual
6. Come to Your Senses
7. Energy Scents Outside the Cocoon
8. From Sensitivity to Sensuality
9. Outrageous Living in Free Energy and Free Time
10. Munich Conference
11. I Am Oneness with Millions of Perfect Facets
Walk On: The Powerless Life Series
1. How Will You Use the Magical ‘iYammer’?
2. Redefining Reality as Time and Space Move Through You
3. Live Fully or Leave
4. Two Worlds of Thinkers and Knowers
5. The Master Sense
6. Illuminating Potentials Beyond TimeSpace
7. Everything Goes New
8. From Noise to Grace
9. Satan’s Greatest Accomplishment
10. Living Power-less and Energy-Rich
11. The Directive of Fulfillment
Kharisma Series
1. Spiritual Puberty and Grace
2. Relax Into Your Enlightenment
3. From Studying to Timeless Enlightenment
4. Stop Surviving and Start Living
5. Farewell to the Old
6. Beyond the God Ceiling
7. Logic, Truth, and Applied Consciousness
8. Kyeper – Spirit's Gift of Creativity
9. Harvesting the Christ Seed that You Planted
10. The God Algorithm of Manifestation
11. God Tipping, Contradictions, and Multiple Realities
Discovery Series
1. Flexible States of Consciousness
2. Choosing Awakening, Allowing Enlightenment
3. From Dissonance to Knowingness and Enlightenment
4. How does the ‘Jesus Game’ End for You?
5. Walk Out and Return Only as a Master
6. New Energy Masters
7. Safety in an Unsafe World
8. Just Passing Through
9. Drink Deeply of Life, Regardless of Your Mood
10. Integrating Biology into the Body of Consciousness
11. The Passionate Fire of Kaiko
Freedom Series
1. Call to Freedom
2. The Voice of Freedom
3. End of an Era
4. Beyond Your Dream into Freedom
5. The Dream of the Soul
6. Illuminated Dreams
7. It Comes to You
8. Bringers of the New Energy
9. How to Live
10. Expectations of Enlightenment
e2012 Series
1. Living Your Consciousness
2. New Think
3. To the Visionaries
4. Life Designers
5. The Gift
6. The Reality Tube
7. Commitment to Self
8. The Guru Dilemma
9. Clarity Brings Results
10. The End of Evolution
11. Radiant Presence
12. Crossing the Atlantean Line
(Next) Series
1. Potentiation
2. I Dreamt I Was Sleeping
4. The Return of Magic
5. Sha-dhar
6. Tools for 2011 and Beyond
7. The Freedom Dilemma
8. Keahak
9. Keahak II
10. Beyond Identity
11. Spiral Experience
12. Spirit is Present
Masters Series
1. Every Step of the Way
2. Potentials from the Past
3. Potentials from the Future
4. How Does that Work? Part 1
5. How Does that Work? Part 2
6. Experiencing the I Am
7. Body of Consciousness
8. Waves of Consciousness
9. The Awakening Zone
10. The Awakening Zone, Part 2
Returning Series
1. It's Happening Now
2. House of Awakening
3. Farewell to Power
4. Timely Tips
5. Dear Tobias, What's Going On?
6. World Wide Weather
7. Eating the Elephant
8. It Doesn't Matter
9. New Earth Update
10. User Accepts Full Responsibility
11. Graduation
Tobias' Farewell
Quantum Leap Series
1. The Demons Are Yours
Quantum Leap Celebration
2. You, You, You
3. I Am Sam
4. The Ten Commentments from Spirit
5. Triumphant Discovery
6. Working with New Energy
7. Nhahyu
8. Claim Who You Are
9. Seduction Consciousness
10. A Letter to Awakening Humans
Teachers Series
1. The Teaching Begins
2. Standard Technology
3. Consciousness Expansion
4. As Above, So Below
5. Philosophy is Dead
6. New Era, New Energy, New Way
7. The Voice of Shaumbra
8. Don't Compromise Yourself
9. Sans Definition
10. Energy in Motion
11. New Energy Artists
12. J'Encore
Clarity Series
1. The Simplicity of Clarity
2. Farewell to Shiva
3. Shaumbra Service Center
4. What Feeds You?
5. Shadow Selves and Potentials
6. Shadow Selves and Potentials, Part 2
7. Disconnect - Part 1
8. Disconnect - Part 2
9. Disconnect - Part 3
10. I Am Authentic
Midsummer Conference
Embodiment Series
1. Embodying the New Energy
2. The Four TIONS of Embodiment
3. Embodying Changes
4. The Energy Movers
5. Take Care of Yourself
6. Freedom of the Soul
7. Freedom of the Soul, Part 2
8. Freedom of the Soul, Part 3
9. Freedom of the Soul, Part 4
10. Let Go of the Control
11. The Radiant Being
12. The Gift of Clarity
New Energy Series
1. Attributes of You, God
2. The Expanding Understanding of Self
3. The Answer is Greater than the Question
4. When the Divine Plan Meets the Human Plan
5. Your New Energy Passion
6. New Energy, Safe Energy
7. Embrace Life
8. Imagine
9. Imagination and the New God
10. Imagination and the New Safe Energy
11. Energy Seeks Resolution
12. The Darkness is Your Divinity
Divine Human Series
1. Expression
2. No Death
3. Living in Two Worlds
4. Gabriel's Trumpet
5. The New Earth
6. Your Self as Your Guide
7. The Illusion of Power
8. The Illusion of Power, Part 2
9. Your Divine Plan
10. The Spiritual Artist
11. Four New Energy Paradigms
12. The Seven Seals
Ascension Series
1. It Is Not About You Anymore
2. Own Your Divinity
3. The Darkness Within Seeks Release
4. The Language of Ah
5. The Senses of Ah
6. The Five Divine Senses of Ah
7. Know No Agenda
8. The New Understanding of Love
Are You Ready?
9. The Void of Ascension
10. From No Identity to New Identity
11. Behold the Song of Your Soul
Creator Series
1. Accept All Things As They Are
2. Accept Your Human Self
3. Living in the Divine Moment
4. Create in Grace
5. Expect Changes and Bless Them
6. Within You is Divine Balance
7. Create with Broad Strokes
8. Receive the Fruit of the Rose
9. Dance with What Comes to Your Front Door
10. Step into Your Divine Will
11. Give Thanks to Yourself
12. Your New Relationship with Spirit
New Earth Series
1. Departing of the Guides
2. Return to Unity
3. The Awakening of Your True Self
4. Two Earths
5. The Millennium Channel 1
6. The Millennium Channel 2
7. The Millennium Channel 3
8. The Lost Children of Christ
9. Allowing the New Spiritual Energy Into Your Life
10. Do NO-Thing
11. The New Camelot
12. A Time for Releasing
13. In Your New House
14. Four Truths of Spirit
Illumination Series
6. Love 2.0 – A Turning Point
Illumination Series
1. Khamsa – Your Light, Darkness and Flow
2. Your Wisdom in 21 Shaumbra Realizations
3. Drop the Shaumbra Curse and Shine Your Light!
4. The Year of the Dragon, AI & Aerotheon
5. Breaking Through with Love, Gratitude and Magic
6. Love 2.0 – A Turning Point
7. Light is Imagination
8. What Really Matters?
9. New Levels of Sensitivity
10. No Greater Being in All of Creation
11. The Grandness of Being Human
ALT Series
1. ALT Brain, Neurodivergence, and Mastery
2. Neuro Divergent, Neurotunitis, and Divinity
3. Meticulous Quality, Sam's Story, and the Apocalypse
4. Observation and Self-perception Create Reality
5. Safe Space in a Crazy World
6. Preparing for Heaven’s Cross
7. Spiritual Pirates at the Altar of the Soul
8. Realm Workers, Shaumbra Attributes, and Dark Energies
9. Light Changes Reality
10. You Are Diamonds in the Sky
11. It’s in the Air, Simply Receive
Art of Benching Series
1. The Zero Point is Your Divine Creative Center
2. Fading Sculptures and Dissolving Identities
3. Reclaim Your Innocence
4. The Natural Protection of Mastery
5. Stand in Your Light
6. Humanity Says “No More” to Power
7. Benching in the Now
8. DreamWalk into Darkness
9. Darkness, Light, and the Origins of Evil
10. Overhead Consciousness
11. The Rights of a Master
Merlin I Am Series
1. The Merlin’s Guide to Embodied Survival
2. Mastering Your Energy by Accepting Realization
3. Æterna, Fantasy, and Consciousness Shifts
4. Awakening Sensuality and Ancient Connections
5. Super Sensory Living
6. Global Consciousness Reset
7. Ensynch - In the Flow of Your Energy
8. Soul Gifts of Harmony, Flow, and Happiness
9. Trésort is the Treasure of Total Self-Trust
10. Fracturing Time and Embracing Self-Love
11. Merlin goes Beyond Time into Magic
Passion 2020 Series
1. Magic 101 for the Modern Merlin
2. Freedom or Suffering, it's Your Choice
3. Miracles, Magic, and the End of Suffering
4. A Few Blocks Off Main Street
5. A Year of Metamorphosis and Realization
6. Emerging into Realization
7. Angels and Aliens Are Called Home
8. A Historic Day – Order of the Arc and Angelic Families Disband
9. Allowing Realization as Earth Goes Quiet
10. Please Stay – You’re Needed Here
11. Illumination for the Re-Imaginers
12. Own Everything in Your Life
Emergence Series
1. The Human’s Last Hurrah
2. The Wisdom of Experience, A Super Sense
3. Your Soul's Destiny and Greatest Love
4. Energy Awareness and Perception
5. New Friends for the New Year
6. The Intimate Sense of Truth
7. Aspects, Beliefs, and the Return of Dignity
8. Atlantean Headbangers Break Free
9. Breaking Free from ‘The Land of Blue’ Headbands
10. You’re Crazy Until You’re Not
11. Time of the New Merlins
Wings Series
1. Life is Just a Big Fat Story
2. These Things Are Not Yours
3. Alt Reality Beyond Hypnosis
4. It’s in the Air