1. Cover Page
2. The Gift of DreamWalking
by Geoffrey Hoppe
3. Midsummer New Energy Conference Webcast
4. Journey of the Angels
5. Shaumbra in Egypt 2010
6. The Music of
Anders Holte
7. Shaumbra Heartbeat
8. Shaumbra Speaks
9. Shaumbra Creations
10. Noteworthy

11. Shaumbra Institute Teacher Presented Classes

12. Shaumbra Events with Geoff and Linda

Your gifts make it possible to continue growing the Crimson Circle and offering the Tobias materials free of charge through our website. We strive to make it easy for Shaumbra worldwide to access our materials, workshops and products. Please visit our Gifts page to see the many ways you can help.


High Definition Living

In his last visit to Romania Tobias talks about living what he calls a “high definition life.” He discusses bringing this high definition or high resolution energy into your body, mind and spirit, and the changes that this will bring about.

Tobias also talks about living in the New Energy and how it is so different than old energy. It works different, and is something that must be consciously chosen by you. He talks about abundance in the New Energy, how investments are different, and how this high definition energy actually heals the body in a different way.

He especially focuses on the attributes of bringing high definition energy into your mind, how it changes your mental processes, and how much more efficient it can work. As Tobias says, “In high definition living, you see potentials you’ve never seen before.”

Living a high definition life changes the way you process and use energy, including your eating habits, your physical energy level, and the way you bring in non-physical energies. “The way you work with energy is going to be rejuvenated” and it is activated through your choice.

The High Definition Life consists of three channeled sessions, including a Q&A. Includes regular pauses for translation.

• Digital download: $20 USD

For more information and to order:
Click Here-US Store

Unlocking Your Divine Potential

TThe Seven Seals was first channeled by Tobias at the Midsummer New Energy Conference on July 19, 2003. It’s become one of Tobias’ most popular and well-read channels ever. Tobias’ Seven Seals offers a new interpretation of the mysterious Seven Seals mentioned in the biblical book of Revelations. According to Tobias, the Seven Seals are universal belief systems about our separation from Spirit, the understanding of Self, the darkness, sin and guilt, and the need for suffering and salvation. Tobias says that we can unlock the door of the belief systems in order to free our divine selves.

The Seven Seals has now been rechanneled by Tobias with the beautiful musical accompaniment of Yoham. The session was recorded in Tel Aviv, Israel in February 2009. During the 80-minute journey Tobias takes the listener through the process of gently opening each of the seven seals as the music enhances the experience into the deep realms of consciousness.

This collaboration between Tobias and Yoham, along with the sacred nature of the seven seals, makes this one of the most transformational journeys you can experience with the Tobias materials.

• Digital download: $15 USD
• Physical CD set: $20 USD (Available soon)

For more information andto order:
Click Here-US Store

Crimson Circle Store
July 2009 Newsletter

Shaumbra Heartbeat
 - by Jean Tinder

Less than two weeks from this writing, Tobias will have already given his last channel, spoken his last “And so it is,” and reminded us one last time that we are never alone. This dear angel has been with us through thick and thin, whispering in our ear in the stillness of night, joining in when we belt out a song in the shower, laughing with us at our silliness, wrapping his love around us when we just can’t take it any more. And now he’s taking off his wings to join us here.

I can almost remember the conversations between us all when he agreed to “stay behind” and hold the connection to the memories of our journey. He has been the story keeper, the one who reminds us where we’ve been so we can remember where we’re going.

So it’s interesting for me to remember one of the first things Tobias told me during a Q&A several years ago: “It’s time to let go of your story.” That hit me deep, because until then a huge part of my waking up had been remembering my story – who I’ve been, who I’ve loved, where I’ve walked and what I’ve done. It was an amazing and beautiful thing to remember, to recognize old friends and realize that my life does have more purpose than just to survive. My stories were beautiful and I loved them, which, as Tobias said, is why I lived them. And yet it was time to let them go in order to keep growing and creating.

Tobias has told us many times that the future is the past healed, and to heal the past is simply to accept it completely and let it go. So, like the good Shaumbra that we are, we do our best to accept the “mistakes” we’ve made and the hurts we’ve felt. But you know, it can actually be more difficult to accept and release the good times – the joys, the creations, the loves and the stories – and hanging onto the good memories can hold us back as much as running away from the bad ones.

Today, Shaumbra, we are faced with a really big story to let go of, and it’s not just Tobias. There are amazing connections between us all, intense bonds we have formed over eons of time, cemented by the common purpose we have shared. Through the ages we have been the ones searching for the answer to the energy gridlock of creation.

Each one of us said goodbye to our own angelic families and agreed to take on a most amazing and far-reaching responsibility – that of finding the solution to keep us all from going out of existence – and we have taken our job very seriously. Through all the many lifetimes, whether dark and difficult or prominent and successful, we have always had an underlying drive to move forward, keep going, keep searching. Somehow we managed to keep that flame alive, always knowing there was something important we were looking for.

Dear Shaumbra, in this lifetime, this year, in this moment, that something we’ve been searching for since forever has finally been found. Our search for the answer to two fundamental questions – “Who am I?” and “How can I get home?” – has driven us for eons of time, and every choice we’ve ever made, every experience we’ve ever had has been part of the answer. This search has been the undercurrent of everything we’ve ever done.

Now comes the question – are you ready to let it go?

Are you ready to have found what you were looking for all this time?

The search has been your identity; are you ready to be without it?

The search has been your reason to keep going; what will happen if you let it go?

The search has brought Shaumbra together once again; are you ready to let us go?

We are letting go of far more than Tobias this year. He is leaving/returning because we don’t need him any longer. And after eons of being in service to humanity and All That Is, we aren’t needed any longer either. We’ve done it, the mission was a success – and yet that mission is what has held us together. It’s what has kept us coming together, reconnecting over the ages, and finally surging back to Earth one more time.

What will you do without this purpose that you’ve carried for so long?

Who will you be now, completely sovereign and on your own?

There is a lot to do now, if you want to. But within the heart of Shaumbra is a deep sense of completion.

In a way, we are back in the Void. Leaving the familiarity of family and Home again, this time far wiser and full of compassion and understanding, but once again the future is unwritten and unknown. We have no rules, no guidelines, no great cause to live for. It’s no wonder that Tobias just gave an incredible retelling of our story (Journey of the Angels), so that we could remember and understand our journey, because in a very real sense we have come full circle. We are back at the beginning and this time, instead of trying all kinds of ways to get back home, we have Home within our hearts.

So what’s next Shaumbra? As the “Class of ‘09” receives its diplomas, are we ready to embody the true Shaumbra heart, strike out into the void once again, and CREATE?

Only you can know your answer, but one thing is true: As we let go of our stories and our past, the future now is wide open. And it is fully yours.

~* Shaumbra Events with Geoff and Linda *~

Event dates subject to change. Some upcoming events may not yet be listed in the Shaumbra Shoppe because details have not been finalized.

July 17-19, 2009
Midsummer New Energy Conference 2009
and Farewell to Tobias
Breckenridge, Colorado, USA

Three days of celebration, channeling, music and fun. Breckenridge was the site of the first Crimson Circle event and home to many Crimson Circle schools, workshops and annual gatherings. We’re returning this year for Tobias’ Farewell Party. Featuring Lee Carroll (channeler for Kryon), Norma Delaney and Garret Annofsky, Wulfing von Rohr, John Cali (channeler for Chief Joseph), Jonette Crowley (channeler for Mark and White Eagle), Wendy Kennedy (channeler for the Peiadian Collective, Dr. Michael E. Brandt, plus Tobias, Adamus Saint-Germain and Kuthumi, and other guests to be announced. Live music with Yoham, plus the Jimmy Stadler Band. And DJ music and karaoke with Brian Campbell.
Live Webcast Information
July 20-21, 2009
Shaumbra Institute Teachers' Celebration
following the Midsummer New Energy Conference 2009
Breckenridge, Colorado, USA
Certified SI teachers RSVP - see website
August 2009 - Vacation time! No monthly meeting or webcast this month.
September 5, 2009
Shaumbra Webcast and Shoud
Coal Creek Canyon Community Hall
Coal Creek Canyon, Colorado USA
Attend in person or tune into the webcast here or login to www.crimsoncircle.com
September 11-13, 2009
Inter-Dimensional Workshop
Sante Fe, New Mexico

An intense hands-on workshop about the nature of dimensions, how to create dimensions, interdimensional travel, and practical experiences with viewing into the dimensions. It's an excellent primer for Adamus' advanced Mystery Schools coming in 2009 and 2010.
September 20-23, 2009
Sold Out!
Egg Harbor, Adamus Saint-Germain’s Mystery School, Sept 20-23, 2009
Egg Harbor, Wisconsin
Adamus Saint-Germain launches the first Shaumbra New Energy Mystery School in beautiful northern Wisconsin.
October 12-20, 2009
Sold Out!
South of France Tour, Marseille
Join us for a magical Shaumbra tour in the south of France this autumn, with visits to many holy and sacred sites.
February 14-26, 2010
Shaumbra Egypt Tour 2010
We’re now ready to take bookings for this deeply sacred and profound Shaumbra tour in February 2010. During our 14 days together in Egypt we’ll visit some of the most ancient sites on earth including private time in the Great Pyramid, The Temple of Isis and the Valley of the Kings. We’ll cruise the Nile on our own boat, shop the international bazaars in Cairo and tone together in the paws of the Sphinx.
Upcoming workshops and schools for
Norma Delaney and Garret Annofsky

For More Information Please Visit: http://www.newbreath.net/

July 11-15 Ohamah School - Evergreen, CO
August 15-16 Synthesis - Bucharest, Romania
August 21 Introduction to Breathing - Budapest, Hungary
August 22-23 Synthesis - Budapest, Hungary
September 24-25 Breath and Integrate the Mysteries, Egg Harbor, WI
October 20-21 Ebodying the Mary Magdelene Energies, France
October 24-25 Synthesis, Lille, France

Crimson Circle™, Shaumbra™, Tobias of the Crimson Council™, Tobias of the Crimson Circle™, and Adamus Saint-Germain™, are registered trademarks of Geoffrey Hoppe, Golden, Colorado USA. All rights reserved. Do not use in any manner or form without the express written consent of the copyright holder.