Cover Page
A Troubling Question,
by Geoffrey Hoppe
Shaumbra Inspired
European Online Store Now Open!
The Breath of Integration
Returning: The Song
"Do You Remember?" - A Special Message from Tobias
Shaumbra Heartbeat
Shaumbra Speaks
Shaumbra Creations
Closing the Tahoe Office
Welcome Home all Parts and Pieces
Shaumbra Institute Teacher Presented Classes
Shaumbra Predictions for 2009
Travels With Tobias

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A book about New Energy Abundance by Jan Brouwer

Do you have problems with money? Does it seem that no matter how much you earn, there is never quite enough? Would you like to learn practical applications of the teachings of the Crimson Council and experience true abundance in your life?

In this booklet you will learn the difference between wealth and abundance; how mass belief systems and the human tendency to avoid uncertainty keep abundance from our lives; how to use the power of conscious choice to make fundamental and lasting changes in your life; and what abundance looks like once you start trusting yourself and living fully in the Now moment. With a number of exercises to help you reflect on your own issues, "Choosing For You" provides you with the inspiration and tools to change your life and start experiencing abundance for yourself.

Now available as a digital download (PDF)
Price: $12.50 USD

For more information and to order:
Click Here-US Store
Click Here-European Store



Featuring Tobias, Adamus Saint-Germain, and a powerful intuition-expanding experience with Kuthumi lal Singh

Recorded in November 2008 in Athens, Greece

Intuition: Have you ever wondered what it is? Is it only for priviledged few? Are women naturally more intuitive than men? How does it really work? Can it be learned or enhanced?

In 'Expanding Your Intuition' Tobias will give you the background information to understand what intuition is and how it works. Kuthumi’s guided exercise will take you through the process of opening and expanding your intuition, and Adamus Saint-Germain will work with you for a fortnight to experience and use intuition in your life.

For more information and to order:
Click Here-US Store
Click Here-European Store

Personal Study Course

Adamus Saint-Germain’s DreamWalker Birth Transitions is now available as a Personal Study Course. DreamWalker Birth is the second in Saint-Germain's DreamWalker Death/Birth/Ascension trilogy. This new course offers insights and guidance into what happens on the Earth dimensions and angelic realms prior to physical birth.

The DreamWalker Birth guide, called an “Adoula,” is trained to work with expectant parents to develop a deep, spiritual connection with their baby long before actual delivery. The entire process of conception, pregnancy and birth can be much smoother and more fulfilling, eliminating much pain and trauma often associated with pregnancy and birth. The DreamWalker Birth materials will help expand your horizons and assist you in inspiring consciousness in others.

If you want to learn more about the spiritual aspects of the birth process, this material from Adamus Saint-Germain is informative, captivating and inspirational. If you want to become an active, certified Adoula, you will have to attend a teacher presented DreamWalker Birth Transitions workshop.DreamWalker Birth Transitions Personal Study Course includes:

• Nine audio CD disks with Adamus Saint-Germain channels and Questions/Answers
• 300 Page Study Guide Book, including transcript, in PDF format on a data disk

For more information and to order:

Click Here-US Store
Click Here-European Store

Crimson Circle Store
February 2009 Newsletter
Shaumbra Speaks

Shaumbra Speaks - A sample of recent postings on the Crimson Circle Message Board and feedback from Shaumbra around the world

***** 5 stars

“Expanding Your Intuition” is an excellent Personal Study Course. I feel that if someone was to only buy one thing from all that is available from the Shaumbra Shoppe this would be it. This is because it is a BASIC TOOL for all humans to experience their full potential at being human. It was great to have Tobias, Kuthumi and Adamus Saint-Germain speak on this one subject.



Black Swans

Hi Geoffrey.

I enjoyed your bit on Black Swans and feel I need to add something I learned from the Maori of New Zealand (the locational origin of black swans they tell me). I actually saw this for myself with the black swans there.

A feather from a black swan is all white except for the tip. As the tips overlap, the swan appears black. Kinda like a sheep in wolf's clothing?

Anyway, to me it was quite visual that what we are dealing with might be 'unseen' and just literally below the surface.

Many blessings to you and Linda.



Storm Relief

As some of you know, I just lived through a massive ice storm and its results.

Basically, 10 days without power and sometimes water, one horrible night of listening to trees break and fall, sleep was a problem during much of this time. Every road in my county was covered with fallen trees, branches, and light poles. It took most of the citizens and relief teams to cut them free over the next couple of days and drag them to the sides to leave a driving path for people. The ice and snow melted 11 days later and we are just now beginning to truly clean up after the storm. I do have propane gas logs and thus had a source of heat (one of the lucky ones.)

During all of this, I was hit by wave after wave of fear and grief, including my own. The exhaustion is indescribable.

And, yes Kuthumi, I did shut down. The last day I was without power, I stood outside, raised my fists to the universe and shouted, "I can't take this anymore, I want electricity, and I want it NOW!"

Within two hours, two truckloads of National Guards came to my house. They were checking door to door to find out how residents were doing and what they needed. Then within two more hours, the electricity came back on.

NOW, Kuthumi came and helped me open back up and eat this very big elephant that has been weighing on me ever since. And I can tell you that this works and works well!

I can breathe freely again this morning. I was actually thinking yesterday, that if I had to go through my life shut down and fearful, it was time to leave.





More Storm Relief

To add to this, for myself, this last year has been one cyclone of whirlwind chaos… shaking loose all of my foundations that I so relied on… and it was only when I allowed those winds to truly blow me about, that I found a NEW order… my own individual, custom made flow… that is not shared by any other person… there is no structure or definition to it… but there IS an order there… and when you first start to feel it and flow with it… well, there is no definition! HAHA! So I am very welcoming of these new chaotic energies because they shake loose the foundations of the old energy so that the new energy can come in and find a new balance… INDIVIDUALLY within each of us… no two "flows" are alike… and this is for me, my triumphant discovery this past year.

When you find your own personal "order" in the chaos, it's not rebalancing in the traditional sense of the word, it's finding a new flow that has your own personal signature in it. And recognizing that signature and following it becomes the new focus. Your own personal homing beacon. THIS is how you learn to discern what is yours and what isn't. BUT, in the new energy, this does not equal consistency… it is knowing that no matter where that signature takes you, you are safe. The safety IS IN recognizing and TRUSTING that signature to carry you wherever it goes… no matter how "inconsistent" your life may look in the process. This is TRUE freedom.

I think Kuthumi's exercise in having us truly feel into the chaos in the world right now was a way to "jump start" that process… to put one in a space of supposed ungrounding… (ie breaking down one's personal foundation of structures) so that you freefloat into the whirlwind… only there can you truly discover where your own personal flow is in the midst of it.



The Rest of the Elephant

I just want to add that I now can feel the difference between leaning on my inner core and leaning on an outer concept. What can I say? So far the inner space feels very unspecified. The only thing that I know for sure is that I will be changing my hairstyle this Friday, because it feels as the right thing to do (every time I had a shorter hairstyle I ended up feeling insecure about it, since most of my female friends have long hair, and this time I really feel that it's something that's more like ME… at least at this moment). All the other stuff, I have NO idea…

The only thing I know is when I breathed in the rest of the elephant, I felt my own frustration at being at the limits that I am in now… and that the only thing I know is that I want to live each moment from the perspective of wholeness and able-ness and I can feel what it's like. :D When I was not "whole," I felt that I needed this and needed that to make me whole. But now that I can feel this wholeness, there is no need to fix anything… so what so I do now? :D

Oh yeah, breathe...



Loving the Life I’ve Created

Hello Shaumbra,

I haven't been to the message board in ages, but I keep thinking that my life is such a wonderful example of what Tobias, St. G, and Kuthumi repeatedly stress about choosing the reality we create, that I've decided to share this with you. I know how very painful it is to read something like this when everything seems to be going wrong in your life. Believe me, I REALLY know; been there, done that over and over and over for many years. However, NOTHING worked for me until I leapt. Yea, it was extremely difficult breathing through the pain of fear and anxiety but I was determined to trust in myself and gnost. The rest follows:

In May of ‘07 after 3 painful months of weird "illnesses" I decided to take the leap; quit the job, gave away much of my possessions, put the remainder in storage and just drove off in my car. Traveled, visiting friends and family, money kept flowing from unexpected places, and I stayed in the most wonderful places for months at a time, hilltop views of Santa Barbara and even a wonderful studio on the beach in Laguna Beach. In Dec. '07 I decided to settle down again and realized I wanted a totally new-to-me area. The southwest spoke to me, even though the only area I'd seen was Taos during the QL Celebration and I'd never been interested in the SW as a home. I researched and Prescott, AZ seemed perfect for me, especially the Granite Dells area, which made my artist heart sing.

Well, I found a teaching position in my specific area, interviewed over the phone, knowing beforehand that it was going to be mine, and arrived here 3 weeks later, sight unseen. I drove through the Granite Dells area on the way to my hotel in Prescott on 2/16/07 in late afternoon sun and cried with joy and overwhelming love at the peace and beauty. Next day I rented the most perfect "Boulder House" in "the Dells" with a view that still has me up in the middle of the night, and awakens me in absolute amazement. I have a wonderful art studio and my neighborhood is a huge garden of boulders, and I've made new friendships that are as beautiful as my home. I know this safe and sacred spot called to me and I listened.

My teaching job was cut at the end of the year, after I'd worked (read: BREATHED!) through a LOT of pain and old stuff teaching there, and I've been joyously pursuing my art ever since. Money keeps miraculously flowing in abundance, my creativity astounds me, I often have trouble sleeping because I'm just too darn happy and excited about every aspect of my life. I think of something and gnost provides it: yesterday I bought a map/architectural drawing/art paper cabinet for almost nothing and just last month I'd said aloud, "The only thing I really want now is cabinet for all my art papers, drawings and photographs."

Life just seems to get better and better in leaps and bounds in all aspects and I regularly feel almost overwhelmed with gratitude and love for myself, for being here now, for all I've experienced, for being a consciousness inspirer and a New Energy Teacher, for beauty and creativity. I love the reality I've chosen and created for myself and I know I'm worthy of it all.

I don't know, 'cause I've never been a church goer, but I think I just "Testified" (and I am rockin' out in the aisle) that everything the Crimson Council has said regarding choosing to create our reality is totally right on! Hallelujah!!!!

Don't think, just TRUST and LEAP...

You'll be soooooooo glad you did.



(If you would like to send us your comments, insights or feedback, please write to [email protected]. We reserve the right to edit letters for length, spelling and grammar.) 


Crimson Circle™, Shaumbra™, Tobias of the Crimson Council™, Tobias of the Crimson Circle™, and Adamus Saint-Germain™, are registered trademarks of Geoffrey Hoppe, Golden, Colorado USA. All rights reserved. Do not use in any manner or form without the express written consent of the copyright holder.