Core Materials

Core Materials

As humans, we always look for ways to make our lives better. By addressing some of the deepest core issues, we can finally begin to realize who we really are and create the life we desire.

Each of these multi-day experiences touches an essential area of our humanness and offers perspectives and insights beyond the common solutions. Although deep transformation and change are not always easy, you will understand yourself and those around you in a totally new light.

These life-changing classes represent our most essential and transformational offerings. Experiencing this material isn’t always pleasant, but it can literally open new pathways and potentials in your life and provide the core foundation of your mastery and freedom.

NOTE: It is very important to allow yourself to feel everything, even if it’s unpleasant or painful. Therefore, certain in-person events and Core Material online classes are not recommended for those who have taken mood or mind-altering medications within the past 18 months.

CC Statement about mind meds

Sexual Energies School (SES)

Understanding and releasing toxic energies of both victim and abuser.

Trauma, abuse, energy feeding, manipulation, early wounds, and other adversities are painful experiences that make it difficult to thrive and feel joy. The most common reaction is to repress the pain and try to move on, yet the wounds still affect your life. If you’re ready to dive deep, take a new and honest look at hidden energy patterns, and open to self-love, these issues can finally be resolved and healed, and their effects removed from your life. You can also find a beautiful new balance between the inner feminine and masculine energies, which will ultimately be reflected in your outer experiences. With the deep and ongoing transformation offered by the Sexual Energy School, you will never see life the same again.

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A new psychology for understanding the core Self and its many parts.

Habits, reactions, old patterns, and unconscious beliefs can cause tremendous confusion and upset in our lives. They come from parts of the self, called aspects, that have gotten stuck. Reactivity to old emotional triggers and beliefs fades when one’s focus reorients to the flawless inner self. The premise is simple: you are whole and unbroken, a sovereign being. Once you accept and take ownership of the many parts your Self has created, life can become full of joy and grace. Once you recognize yourself as the creator, anything that no longer serves you can be un-created.

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Releasing the baggage of guilt and shame that keeps you from Realization.

Over many lifetimes on Earth, residues of guilt and shame have become embedded in the human psyche. However, one cannot experience Realization when carrying the smallest trace of self-doubt and remorse, even from a past you can’t remember. On the path of mastery, the dragon – a fierce and loyal part of Self – serves by digging up every unresolved issue and bringing it to the surface for resolution. Frightening and terrible at first, because these emotions are difficult to face, the dragon eventually becomes a welcome friend as you realize how to let them go and return to clarity and grace.

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Master Code

Reprogramming the core foundation of your life.

From Atlantis until now, a code called The Way has guided and kept you moving through countless lifetimes and experiences. Now that your self-chosen destiny has been fulfilled, you can release it and recode your life however you wish it to be. The Ascension Code is a beautiful gift you’re leaving for humanity. The Master Code is a sublime gift to yourself, enabling you to live as a free and abundant Magi on Earth.

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Suffering serves no purpose; let it go and embrace your freedom.

One of the most common factors of the human experience is suffering. Religions glorify it and humans accept it as part of life, but suffering only brings more separation and anguish. You can let it go, allow the natural reunion with your soul, and finally experience a life of ease and flow. Energy responds to self-perception and now, without suffering, struggles fade, dreams become fulfilled, and the soul rejoices. It’s your true destiny.

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A one-year advanced program with Adamus Saint-Germain that’s new every year!

Keahak is a term that means “Spirit in Experience and Energy in Motion” Since its inception in 2010, the Keahak program has been the leading edge of Adamus’ new physics, metaphysics, and beyond. In 24 sessions throughout the year, Adamus takes you on a deep dive into the nature of reality and the metaphysics of Creation. Bring higher levels of consciousness into your life, stay in communication with your Soul, gently integrate your Free Energy Body (Light Body), and fulfill your dream to live as an embodied Master at a time when the planet needs it the most.

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