Ascended Masters

Like trusted friends who constantly remind us why we’re here, Tobias, Adamus Saint-Germain, and Kuthumi lal Singh are always ready to comfort and challenge us. Their messages of wisdom, compassion, and sacred knowledge are channeled through Geoffrey Hoppe, and their presence is available to everyone on this path.

Beginning in 1999, Tobias sent out the clarion call to gather Shaumbra all around the world and begin remembering why we’re here in this lifetime. Delivered with the greatest love, his most important message was “You are not crazy; you’re just waking up. And you are not alone.”

In 2009, Tobias handed over the guidance of Crimson Circle to Adamus Saint-Germain, who brought his unique and provocative style to the monthly meetings, classes, and events. His focus is supporting those who have chosen embodied enlightenment in this lifetime at the Time of the Machines and delving deep into the metaphysics of creation.

Kuthumi has been with Shaumbra through all these years, working intimately with each individual and sometimes also giving channeled messages. He is good at helping us lighten up, laugh, and allow our wisdom to come forth.

Tobias of the Crimson Council

The Angel we know as Tobias lived many, many lifetimes on Earth. He takes his name from an apocryphal book of the Bible that records his lifetime as Tobit, an upright Jew in the lands of the Middle East.

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Adamus® Saint-Germain

Adamus Saint-Germain took on the guiding role for the Crimson Circle in September 2009, specifically requesting to channel his messages through Geoffrey Hoppe (Cauldre) for Shaumbra only, so that we could journey together into this New Energy.

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Kuthumi lal Singh

An Ascended Master and beloved friend of Tobias and Adamus, Kuthumi plays a different role with Shaumbra. While he does occasionally show up at events, Kuthumi's real magic happens on a deep, intimate, and personal level.

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