Crimson Circle

Crimson Circle

The purpose of Crimson Circle is to provide support and connection for humans who are allowing their Realization in this lifetime.

We honor all people and their chosen belief systems, and do not subscribe to limitations involving the human condition.

We’re all about consciousness. It begins with the simple, personal realization of “I Exist” and then expands into multi-dimensional creation and experience. Some would say we’re “New Age”or “spiritual,” but neither term is quite accurate. We’re definitely not a religion or church, and we don’t have rules, memberships or dues. We’re simply about consciousness.

The Crimson Circle began in 1999, guided for ten years by the inspired messages of Tobias, an Ascended Master from the Crimson Council. After returning to human form in 2009, Tobias’ role was assumed by his good friend and fellow Ascended Master, Adamus Saint-Germain.

The core Crimson Circle work is about the integration of the human, the Master, and the I Am. In this trinity of every being, the human is here for experience, the Master brings every experience to wisdom, and the I Am is the pure consciousness of the soul. Realization is the conscious awareness and integration of these three facets into the Body of Consciousness.

Very little has been written or taught about this process because few humans have done it while staying in the physical body. Through the messages of Ascended Masters and the experiences of Shaumbra (those who are part of the Crimson Circle), a new narrative – The Master’s Way – is being compiled to chronicle the journey from awakening into mastery, and ultimately Realization. This recorded history will be available to support others for generations to come.

Our Unique Massion (Mission + Passion)

We acknowledge the inalienable sovereign spirit of every person, and that humanity has entered a time of new consciousness.

Many humans have a deep desire to experience themselves freely, unlimited by beliefs from the past, other people, or mass consciousness. They want the freedom to create their own reality, to love themselves and others, and to experience life in joyful abundance. In other words, to live as Masters on Earth.

Crimson Circle exists to support these individuals by making inspired information easily accessible through physical and online venues, where beings of kindred spirit can experience community, understanding, and acceptance without formal rules or limiting structures.

It is our massion to provide ongoing guidance and support for humans around the world to experience and embody their mastery.

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