The Astrology of Heaven's Cross

By Dr. Douglas Davies | December 13, 2022

This is the chart cast for an event at 9:00 am, Hawaii Standard Time, at the Villa on the Big Island of Hawaii. Heavens Cross is a cosmic event, so the location is not so crucial, but the channel announcing it takes place at this day and time, so it is a convenient starting point. Also, this is meant to be the beginning of an event that will be unfolding as time goes on.

Astrology charts of an ongoing process often give a context for what an event is for and characteristics about it throughout its existence—a similar reasoning for looking at someone’s chart at the moment of their birth.

Looking at the chart for Heaven's Cross, even those who know little about astrology cannot help noticing how most of the planets are bunched together. This creates a lot of conjunctions—planetary configurations when two planets are close together. Astrology does a lot with angles between planets to demonstrate dynamics of characteristics, but of all the angle configurations, the conjunction is considered the strongest. It is a fusion of two energies that act together as one. This configuration with its multiple conjunctions portrays an event with a lot of strength behind it with most of the intention in one direction—think of a crowded room where everyone is pushing to open the same set of doors.

Heaven's Cross astrological chart

The next thing I noticed are the signs of the conjunction—mainly Aries and Taurus. While Aries can be single minded, it loves an outing and loves playmates, so the more the merrier to come along. Taurus is much more selective with a distinct value system—indicating a pickiness about what this event is for. These things seem opposite at first glance, but I think it is stating that this event is available to anyone but not for everyone. Only those who value and appreciate what it is for (Taurus, especially Venus in Taurus) will get value out of it.

Mars in the second house (in this configuration) backs this up, but it is in Gemini, indicating an emphasis on communication—which fits with what Heaven's Cross is about in that one is communicating with the other parts of themselves and other potentials of themselves more easily.

The North Node in Taurus seems to indicate building a new structure from our own values instead of at the mercy of other people’s feelings (South Node in Scorpio)—I would liken this to getting away from mass consciousness.

Mars trine Saturn seems to indicate a methodical unfolding of these energies over time—which fits as this is the beginning of a process.

One interesting note is that Pluto is at the very end of Capricorn—by computer it goes into Aquarius 17.5 hours later. Considering it was in Capricorn for about 14 years, and Adamus was very selective about the date, it is interesting, for if Heaven's Cross opening was just one day later, Pluto would have been in Aquarius—a placement I would have picked which would symbolize moving into the future. With such a slow moving planet, perhaps it is just a computer rounding error, or maybe Adamus wanted to have the channel just before we are ushered into this (2:24 am Hawaii time is when Pluto goes into Aquarius—not a convenient time for a channel). At this time, the planetary relations to each other are about the same, but maybe this channel was like the gathering before some big planetary event—we get there a little early. Adamus himself was vacillating between March 22 and March 23, 2023. But perhaps with Pluto in the very last signs of Capricorn, this symbolizes bringing the old parts of ourselves forward.

I have not made too many housing interpretations as these vary according to where you are on the Earth, but the channel event is heavily weighted toward the 11th and 12th house consistent with the collective nature of the event.

Dr. Douglas Davies has been part of Crimson Circle since the beginning and currently sits on the CC Board of Directors. He is a practicing neurologist in Beverly Hill, CA, and a highly intuitive astrologer.

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