Do NO-Thing - Questions and Answers

Presented at the Crimson Circle
March 4, 2000

TOBIAS: And so it is, dear friends, dear family, that we gather again in our circle now for a time of discussion, a time of questions and answers. But before we begin with this portion, we would remind each of you here, each of you that are family, that it is important for you to communicate to us and to Spirit always of how you are feeling and what you are going through. You would think that all of this was known to us, but indeed it is not. It is important for you to communicate all of these things to us, to talk to us openly, to talk us from the heart. It gives us and your runners and all who work with you a better understanding and a better feel for what you are going through. Remember, my friends, that this is not a path that has been etched out before you. It is not a path that has been cleared. You are the ones clearing it. The feedback that you provide us in your words, in your thoughts, and from your heart is so important. We do not always have the answers. There is an old energy human assumption that even Spirit has all of the answers. This is not true. Together you are working hand-in-hand with Spirit to create the new reality. You have literally gone into the void, into what did not exist, into a neutral… in a way… into a nothingness. You are creating something out of this. So it is not that Spirit knows your every thought and move and what you will do in the future. You are walking hand-in-hand with Spirit, and the path is being created by both of you as you go.

So now we would be happy to attempt to answer your questions.

QUESTION: Tobias, thank you. I would like to know a little bit more about the departure of our guides and angels. Was this done en masse, like on December 13th as you explained (in a previous channeling), or has it been slowly like the departure of the dark parts of us? Could you say more about the departure of our guides and angels?

TOBIAS: We will go back to your event that you call the 11:11. This was a grand measurement that was taken in the year of 1987 in the month of August. With this measurement began a whole series of events that have changed All That Is. And it has changed the way humans have worked. Then on your event of the 12:12… this was the release of entities and divas that held a certain balance of energy for your Earth. These entities at that time of the 12:12 then departed. Then the guides began to leave shortly after this period. Their energy did not leave suddenly but rather was withdrawn gradually so as to not cause an overwhelming shock on you. Much acceleration has taken place since the measurement of December 13th and the subsequent splitting of consciousness into two. Many of you still have several of your guides in your peripheral energy. This would be your second level of energy. They have not totally departed. There are others, however, whose guides have totally left their energy field. What you are feeling is the withdrawal from this, but to let you know, this will take place very gradually. This group in particular is feeling the acceleration of the departure. There are many within this group who, how do we say, have nearly completed the departure process. There is only residue left. Most humans do not have any departure of the guides at this time. This would be occurring, but as you know, most humans are not even aware that there are angels around them. There is a process that they will go through similar to what you went through with an awakening and an understanding, with a compatibility then with their guides and then with the departure. So in answer to your question, the departure is gradual. It takes place within each individual at different times. It is after the departure of the guides that you have known that then their shadow also will depart. We can not put specific times on this, but we know that you are feeling much of the process take place.

QUESTION: Tobias, I would like your perspective on the qualities or characteristics associated with the color "crimson." How do the qualities and characteristics of this color translate into the purpose and meaning of your teachings?

TOBIAS: Outside of the human realms in what you would call the spiritual realms, there is not physical matter as you know it. Things are composed of vibrations and energy and at their lower levels they are perceived as light and color. There is a group… there is what we would call a spiritual family that has been together for eons of time. They have gone and created many new energies in your universe and other universes. You and the others that are here, the ones that are impacted by these messages are of that family, what we call the Crimson Council. There is a band of energy or color associated with those who go into new energies to understand how to work with them and then go to teach others. For instance, you in particular as part of the family have been to many other parts of this universe, not necessarily in this dimension, but dimensions that exist in this universe to teach others of things that you have learned along the way. That is the purpose of this family, of the Crimson Circle. The attributes of crimson itself are embodied in an energy of love and an energy of high will. When combined this creates the vibration and the color attributes of crimson.

QUESTION: In the process of integrating Spirit into the body, I’ve been having some mathematical figures come out. One that woke me the other night… what I got was 5 pi 2 R squared. (much laughter)

TOBIAS: As the DNA specifically is accepting more light vibration, there is a very complex series of mathematical codes associated with this. Most who are here tonight have been seeing new sequences of numbers, either in their dreams or in their waking state. There are also sessions that you specifically and others are involved in in your non-waking state where you are helping to construct or to architect the energies and, as we have called them, the tunnels that are being created now, the tunnels of ascension. What you are receiving or remembering in your waking state is part of these very elaborate mathematical equations. We caution here to say that the universe is in itself at the root level not a mathematical equation, but there are mathematics that are associated with things such as the cosmic lattices and energy grids of Earth and even the workings of electromagnetic energy. What you are remembering more than anything is a part of extremely complex formulas, formulas that are combinations that all of your Earth computers together could not even begin to understand.

QUESTION: I have a question, Tobias… I thank you for being here first of all. Maybe I’m silly for asking. We are here in lesson on this Earth…

TOBIAS (interrupting): My friend, we will stop here and remind you that you and others that are here are no longer in lesson. There are no lessons to be learned. (much laughter and applauding)

QUESTION (from same person): OK, so in other words then, you’ve answered the second part of my question. So when we cross over the veil, why haven’t we just gone back in to the Oneness with All That Is?

TOBIAS: This is an interesting question. There is the perception on the part of many Lightworkers that when you are released from your physical body that you return to Home. We would tell you that this is not an accurate statement. You are still held by a very strong grid-work or vibrational web to Earth. If you were to return to Home, you would not choose to come back to Earth. There is an outer room that you return to where you are well attended by what you would call angels, those from the angelic realm. You are facilitated between lifetimes, but you do not return Home. Your soul has chosen for the repetition of coming to Earth time and time again. Now, my friend, it was written for you and others that this lifetime would no longer be of lesson but of new experience.

QUESTION: Hello, Tobias. It is good to see you again. In the vein that you were just talking about… not going Home but going to the room… people that have chosen to go to that other room through suicide… is there a lesson, a price to pay for that action of taking one’s own life?

TOBIAS: My friend, again a good question, which begs a larger answer. There are human understandings and teachings that often bring tears to the eyes of us and to Spirit. Things are so misunderstood and many times manipulated by other humans. There is no penalty for suicide. There never has been. It would not be in the way of Spirit to penalize a human for exercising their free will to leave when things become difficult. When they come to our side, they are received in love and joy. They bring with them a wealth of experience and understanding. It is difficult for us to comprehend why man would label things as sin when they are truly experience. There are many souls that come into Earth knowing that they will end their own lives. Spirit loves them. We love them. It is part of the process. It is no more difficult for those who terminate their life to transition or to return to Earth than it is for anyone else. It has generally been written into their Book of Life by themselves that they will choose that path. Love those who take their own life, for there is much more involved in their process than what is known. We cannot say strongly enough – there is no sin, there is no injustice, there is no punishment for that.

QUESTION: Tobias, I am selling something called the Water of Life that seems to have a huge range of impacts on people. Could you please address that a little bit?

TOBIAS: As we mentioned earlier, there are deep changes taking place within all of you at the DNA level, but they start well before that level. There are certain Earth elements that will have the most impact on those changes. They will not make the changes happen, but yet they will sooth and make the changes more comfortable. Amongst these are what we would call "activated waters" where there are certain chemical, certain elemental changes, that are made to these waters that will stimulate and are compatible with the changing DNA process. Seeing that the human body is composed mainly of water, it would make sense then that your activated waters would assist. However, we would caution that the water itself or any other type of medicine or food that you are internalizing will not cause the changes. They will simply help smooth the changes that you are going through. It is best of all to ask your body if this is an agreeable form and to understand that then you are changing. The water is not changing you.

QUESTION: Tobias, I am surrounded by people at work who, I think, are feeling the effects of the energy shift but responding in a negative way out of fear. I am having a hard time staying centered around these people. I wonder if you could help me with that.

TOBIAS: This, my dear, will be one of the greatest challenges for lightworkers. As the split in consciousness intensifies, as the two worlds become further apart, it will become increasingly more difficult for you. It is not appropriate for you or for the other teachers that are in this room to go off by yourself in the mountains. You have chosen this lifetime to be an anchor of light, to be one who goes through the process, and then to be ones who teach. Understand that in the old energy their negative vibrations could affect you highly. As you become more balanced and grounded in the new energy, you will find that they do not have an effect on you. In the meantime, we appreciate you letting us know this is difficult. (much laughter) We would suggest to you to use a very simple technique. This is one that all can use. Many are already using it. It is to simply address their True Self, to talk to their Higher Self and to assure them that you are there in love, that you are there as a guiding hand, should they accept it, and to let them know that you will continue to hold the light. After a period of time of speaking with their True Self, you will notice some very surprising things happen. We would like you to share those with the group as they do.

QUESTION: Tobias, thank you for sharing your energy with us. I have a question that I should have probably asked the prior speaker (Dr. Michael Abrams), but I am sure you can address it. In the paragraph that describes what he is doing, it says he wants to help the souls of the dying make the harrowing transition into the next world. The word "harrowing" is disturbing to me. Do we each have a separate experience as to the transition? Could you please elaborate?

TOBIAS: Yes, indeed, each transition experience is difficult and in the context of what was mentioned here, understand that there are two sides of the veil. For the human self who is dying and still continuing to hold onto the human dimension, it is indeed harrowing. Humans have been taught that when they die there is either judgement or nothing. They attempt to hold on for as long as possible. This experience of going through the doorway, so to speak, will bring up the greatest fears in the human, will bring up the greatest terrors. Many, many we hate to say, hold on so closely to their human concepts that they stand in line even now, even after they have crossed over, waiting to be judged by the one they call Jesus, waiting for Judgement Day. What they are truly doing in this state is a self-evaluation, but it is not needed. They are punishing and judging themselves. It is a harrowing experience. When the human consciousness, the human grip, is finally released, there is great relief. When they understand that they have not died, there is not a jury on our side waiting to judge them, there is not a place of hell where they will burn forever, there is overwhelming joy at this point. There is tremendous release, and generally at that time is when this spirit of that soul then says, "I’ll go back."

QUESTION: Tobias, I’m a little confused about something. It seems like with the tragic incidents that have happened where, for example, a couple of young boys have killed a lot of other students, a mother kills her children, people who are in abusive relationships… it seems like there is a lot of sympathy and prayer that goes to the victims, but if we are really truly all one, isn’t it just as important to look past the mask that they wear and connect with their God selves?

TOBIAS: Indeed it is, my dear, indeed it is. This is an interesting human paradox. It ties into what we addressed earlier tonight that you as the human for all of these lifetimes had your angel guides, but you did not want to look at the fact that you also had your dark angels. There was the desire at your level to deny that existence, to say that the darkness did not occur. Therefore, many have become unbalanced because they were not willing to look at both sides. In the examples that you give also indeed there is holiness in both sides of the equation, the victim and the one who perpetrates the crime. There is no mistake here. These things are agreed to by both parties, perhaps not always planned in advance but always agreed to at that moment in time. There is tremendous judgement in the human mind relating to "right" and "wrong." As each of you here tonight and reading these words will come to understand, judgement is a restriction and a barrier. You will begin to understand that it took equal amounts of light and dark to make this experience of Earth work properly. There was tremendous denial. There is still tremendous denial. If you walk from this hall on this night giving prayer to those who make crime, you will not be understand. (This will not be the first time this has happened to you.) But you are absolutely correct in understanding and honoring the relationship. Tonight as we walked you through the experience of seeing all the aspects of your past lives walk through the gateway to ascension, to be released from their old bonds… and we said at the end of this procession were the three or more of the dark angels that have always been around… and as you watched them walk through the gateway, you saw a circle of light and love around them. This was surprising because you thought they were always dark. There is much that each of you here will learn about the supposed darkness. Now there is much judgement around what that is, and my friends, it is not at all what you think it is. As you open your mind, as you release and as you do "NO-thing," you will come to understand that all, all is part of God’s love, all is part of God’s creation. We truly thank you for your question.

QUESTION: Is that part of why the "good" guys left before the "bad"/dark guys. What kind of feelings does that leave with the "good" guys gone and just the "bad" guys left around?

TOBIAS: First, it is to understand there are no "good" guys or "dark" guys – with the exception of your movies. (much laughter) We have called them, as you may remember, the "shadow" of your angel guides because they are simply a shadow. This is somewhat of a riddle for you. The shadow does not always directly follow the object. It is, in a sense, a residue. They do not necessarily move in unison, although they always create balance. And we will leave it at that for you to come to more understanding.

QUESTION: Thank you, Tobias, for your guidance. I’d like clarification on two issues. One, my perception of the veil is that it prevents us from seeing the reality or the truth that is on the other side. And if my concept is correct, can we… are we to be of one side of the veil or the other, or can we be somewhere in between? The other question that I had was regarding the Lost Children of Christ. Could those lost children – and I consider myself to be one of them – have walked with other masters at other points in time, such as the Buddha or some other great enlightened being?

TOBIAS: In reference to the veil… again a very perceptive question. Up to this time it has been difficult to be on both sides. There have been very few entities that could do this. That is why, my friends, you do not see more of what you would call your aliens coming to this planet. They know that once they cross that threshold that those that come from other parts of your universe will become caught in the heaviness, in the electromagnetic grid-work. They will not be able to find their way out of the veil. It is very thick. It has up to now been, how do we say, one or the other. It is why we also say to you we need your feedback, because it is not like we operate in both sides. It is not like we are looking down and understand all things. The veil even prevents us and even Spirit from knowing all things. As you, the new Divine humans, emerge as the Christ seed grows from within you, you will be the first group of entities that will know both sides of the veil.

In terms of the Lost Children of Christ, we are referring here to primarily the Christ consciousness, and indeed you have walked with many masters, but you have equally become frustrated with as many masters. That has been appropriate, my friends, for the days of following are long gone. Most who are in this room have followed masters of various types. Most have become frustrated, perhaps not with the master him or herself, but rather with what has been done with the teachings subsequently. Most of you that are here tonight and reading this have walked away from all spiritual involvement, from all religious involvement in total disgust and have walked a lonely and difficult path. Most of you who are here and reading this have vowed to find the Truth from within, and that is why we are here tonight.

QUESTION: I would ask for further elaboration on "do NO-thing." I stand here very impatiently wanting to do all kinds of things.

TOBIAS: This will be a challenging concept for most here to understand. You are all strong and high energy beings. You gave yourself those attributes when coming into this lifetime. You are the ones who can walk through the most difficult parameters and not be affected by them. You are the ones who do the deepest levels of consciousness exploration. It will be somewhat difficult now for, as we say, to "do NO-thing." You will want to know what exercises and ceremonies are associated with doing "NO-thing." (much laughter, clapping, etc) This is somewhat similar to, to use a rough analogy… if your many lifetimes have been like building a grand 3-dimensional jigsaw puzzle. In the center you are trying to create the picture. All around you are all of the pieces. You try to find the pieces and put them in their proper place. You have been very busy over your lifetimes trying to find the right piece at the right time to put in the right place. That has been what has brought you to this point. You have all been determined and dedicated and searched and searched to find those proper pieces. The old energy human would continue to want to find those pieces, but in the new energy, in the "NO-thing" energy, my dear, it will be like magic where the puzzle will complete itself. The pieces will appear. It is because your intent and the work that you have done and your determined will have set up the direction. When you integrate your own divinity, the intent plus your new divinity will create that piece to fill in. But another interesting thing will happen as the pieces of the puzzle are seeming to create themselves and fill in. The entire nature of the puzzle itself will change. You wonder why you are experiencing such discomfort. It is indeed a time of breathing deeply, of relaxing, and allowing your divinity to come in. Your divinity is you. It is not an outside being or an outside energy. It is you. You have always had it. It has been locked away or lost, as you would say. It is now emerging as you allow it to come forth, this energy that has always been you. You will see things happen in an entire way. We have used the example before. You will hear a rock talking to you. You will truly think that you are either going crazy or you are finally trusting your own divinity. And that it is what it is, my dear, a divinity enveloping you.

QUESTION: Thank you, Tobias. I have a question that relates to a subject that was brought up earlier. Are there spirits on the other side of the veil suffering in spirit/human who have not yet been able to make the transition into any of the light and are still in darkness which we would term "hell." If so, how can we help them to see the light?

TOBIAS: Another very perceptive question. We so much enjoy being with the group at this time. We are beginning to understand how much you truly understand. There are entities that, because of their belief system and because mostly of the guilt that they remain in what you would call a very dark or very depressed state. There are entities, my friends, from your previous lives that are like that, that are in a sense trapped. When you leave this Earth, there is a portion of that personality from that lifetime that can remain in the energetics of Earth, even while your more pure self, or Truer Self, returns to the room referred to. A portion of you, a portion of your soul, can remain behind. When we took you through the exercise earlier this night of having the dead awaken and come for the judgement, which was simply you, thanking them and them thanking you. This is part of the process that you are going through – to release those lifetimes that are held in that type of energy limbo. Indeed, they want to be released from that but do not know how. Indeed, it is truly only you that can release them. As we have said before, even Spirit cannot. It is you that must offer this to them. With the enlightenment that you and the others here have you now have the capability to do this, to release your past lives, to allow them to walk through the tunnel of ascension.

QUESTION: Tobias, I would like to work with healing, both physically and emotionally. I’m wondering what healing is like with the new energy… if our medicines will still be important… or if it’s going to be "hands-on"… or what healing will actually look like with the new energy.

TOBIAS: The medicines will continue for quite some time. The process of changing into the new energy may take many, many lifetimes for many people to go through. Those who begin working with the new energies will become aware of how quickly their intent to be a conduit of healing for others can take effect. This will happen, as you say, perhaps with your hands, but it is your whole being that is bringing forth the healing energies. You are one who will be bringing in these awarenesses that will not be readily accepted by all. You will work with those who have given up hope in the other areas and now are ready to begin with anything. Understand, my dear, your hands will not be truly what is healing the individual, although they may need to see that. Through the alignment of what we have called your one chakra, your divinity, you will be able to directly talk to the cells that are infected with the clients that you are working with. You will be able to communicate with them how they can heal themselves.

QUESTION: Tobias, I don’t feel like a whole being at all at the moment. There are parts of me in past lives, parts of me that are my angels, parts of me that are my shadow angels, parts of me on the other side of the veil. I don’t understand where "me" is anymore. You’ve talked about us being the first ones to understand here and the other side of the veil… and, so what? (laughter) I mean…

TOBIAS: Indeed, the feeling of disorientation, the feeling of loss of identity with self are the most common things that family is going through now. There are those who are saying they feel up-side-down, those who are feeling that they have no core or center anymore. All of these things are appropriate, for indeed you are changing. You are releasing the old human energy ways. You are beginning to have the ability to integrate the new ways. That is why we say now is the time of "NO-thing." It is best that you simply allow this process to take place, allow it to come through, rather than resisting it. Resisting will cause much discomfort. Now there is a purpose to all of this that is somewhat difficult to explain. We mean this in no condescending way but the human mind and the human consciousness that you have today would not have the ability to understand. It is a simple way to say that there is going on at this very moment what we have termed the "second creation." That in itself deserves much explanation that can fill many, many books. This is a critical event. This is a peak event in all of creation. It is not just about humans or not just about this single universe or this dimension. This second creation is the foundation for the enablement of Spirit in the future – very difficult to explain, many dynamics involved in this. You are the ones that are helping not only to create the foundation energies that we have mentioned – the energies of Love, energies of Truth, Hope for this second creation. You are the ones here specifically and reading this who are creating the energy tunnels, the structures that will allow you, your past lives, all humans, all who are in the angelic realm, us in the Crimson Council, Tobias, to pass through. So the work you do is very important.

QUESTION: Tobias, I’ve been told by other guides that lightworkers are holding the energy templates for people on the planet. Would you explain more on that?

TOBIAS: The family of lightworkers are creating templates that others will use in the future. Up to now you have been, as you say, holding in the energy. Many of you have been holding in the energy for your Earth. Many have been holding the energy in for groups of people, even at work. With the changes that began occurring on December 13th you are no longer carrying that responsibility of holding in the energy for others. This task/responsibility has been assigned to others. You are now being freed of those responsibilities in order to optimize your ability to bring in your divine energy. As you and others here are learning, it is taking all of your being and all of your energy to go through this transition of your divine energy coming into your dimension.

QUESTION: Tobias, what part does the human ego have? Is it preventing or slowing down this reintegration? Is there any "NO-thing" we can do to help?

TOBIAS: The human ego has been appropriate in the old energy. The human ego allowed you to take a spiritual energy, the angel that you are, and come under the veil and be able to manipulate and use a human body, and to be able to understand your human things. The human ego has gotten much bad press, but it has served a valuable purpose. The human ego at this point, interestingly for those that are here, is tired, is wanting to let go, is wanting to be relieved of its duties at this time. This is happening; however, there are such strong memories, such strong past experiences that continue to drive it to do its function. But indeed, if you would ask it, it truly would desire to let go at this time. As it releases and lets go, then your own divinity can come in. The divinity is the replacement of the human ego.

QUESTION (from same person): Is there something we can do to help this? (much laughter… someone else in the group commenting, "we’re slow learners!")

TOBIAS: Yes, there is one thing that is being suggested from the others that are here on our side. And that is to awake at 4:31 AM your time and to hold an apple in one hand and drink a glass of water and then feel foolish and go back to bed. (much laughter and applauding throughout and after this description)

QUESTION: Tobias, when you talked about the entities and the dark spirits leaving… in our realm there is something called the "law of the vacuum" that usually gets filled in by something. Is there anything to take the place of these?

TOBIAS: That is absolutely correct. There is a vacuum. There is a void and that is why many of you are feeling difficulties both physically and emotionally because you are feeling the void. You are wanting to fill it in. That is why we say, "do NO-thing, do not attempt to fill that in." What will happen is after a short period of the void, there will be your divinity that fills this in. It is that simple. Your divinity will patiently wait, will patiently wait until you allow it in, until you do "NO-thing." As long as you are active, as long as you are searching, as long as you are trying to find the piece of the puzzle to put in next, your divinity will stand by and love you totally and wait until you finally say, "I will do NO-thing. I will simply trust who I am, All That I Am."

And at this point we will ask for one more question. Although our friend does not grow weary, we also do not want to tax him.

QUESTION: Tobias, I have a question regarding children. I have two boys, one with dyslexia, one with ADD and cerebral palsy. How are these conditions affected by the new energy?

TOBIAS: The energy will have an effect on the dyslexia and the ADD that you will see in the next several years. Your science will realize that these were not dysfunctions. These were certain types of energy characteristics associated with, how to say, high energy thinking. You will see, in your case in particular, that these supposed dysfunctions will dissolve and from them will come a high order of thinking. In the case of the other physical symptom, this is a karmic reaction. We ask you to simply bless it and to honor it.

And, my friends, at this time we thank each of you for being part of this circle. We will end on one note regarding the direction that our friend was faced in during the channel. (At the beginning of the channeling, Geoffrey Hoppe was facing the audience of 125 people. By the end of the channeling, he was facing –90 degrees to the side.) When we talk of the Crimson Circle, my friends, there is an energy circle that is quite strong. If you would look at this circle like the face of a clock, it is normal that our friends speaks at 12:00 o’clock on the circle, but there were strong energy influences tonight at what you would consider more of a 9 o’clock position. This was associated with the energies that were being brought in, associated with the numbers 3 and 3, which are of the Christ energy. Unbeknownst to our friend it was much easier for him and more comfortable for him to bring in the messages at this setting in our circle. We laughingly apologize to him for changing his position. We apologize to all who had his back facing them.

My friends, we also remind you that those who are in the Crimson Council and I, Tobias, work with each of you… each of you who embraces that intent, who gives permission. For indeed we do not come in intrusively but, given permission, we will work with you to help you to understand, to help you go through this process of becoming the divine humans that we know you are.

As so it is.