La Serie dell'Incarnazione (Agosto 2004 - Luglio 2005)

The Embodiment Series is presented and recorded at the Crimson Circle monthly meetings. The first channel of this series was presented on August 7, 2004 and ended in July 2005. From here you can go to the text version of each Channel and Q&A session, or you can either listen to or download the audio file of each channel.

Shoud 1: “Incarnare la Nuova Energia” - 7 agosto 2004

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Crimson Circle Welcome & News

With Geoff and Linda

Tobias Channel and Shoud

Domande e risposte

Shoud 2: “Le Quattro ZIONI dell’Incarnazione (Distrazione, Traduzione, Convalidazione, Percezione)” - 4 settembre 2004

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Crimson Circle Welcome & News

With Geoff and Linda

Tobias Channel and Shoud

Domande e risposte

Shoud 3: “Incarnare i Cambiamenti” - 2 ottobre 2004

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Crimson Circle Welcome & News

With Geoff and Linda

Tobias Channel and Shoud

Domande e risposte

Shoud 4: “Gli Spostatori di Energia” - 6 novembre 2004

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Crimson Circle Welcome & News

With Geoff and Linda

Tobias Channel and Shoud

Domande e risposte

Shoud 5: “Prendetevi Cura di Voi Stessi” - 11 dicembre 2004

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Crimson Circle Welcome & News

With Geoff and Linda

Tobias Channel and Shoud

Domande e risposte

Shoud 6: “Libertà dell’Anima” - 8 gennaio 2005

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Crimson Circle Welcome & News

With Geoff and Linda

Tobias Channel and Shoud

Domande e risposte

Shoud 7: “Libertà dell’Anima; Parte II” - Con Saint Germain - 5 febbraio 2005

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Crimson Circle Welcome & News

With Geoff and Linda

Channel and Shoud

Domande e risposte

Shoud 8: “Libertà dell’Anima; Parte III” - Con Saint Germain e Tobias - 5 marzo 2005

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Crimson Circle Welcome & News

With Geoff and Linda

Channel and Shoud

Domande e risposte

Shoud 9: “Libertà dell’Anima; Parte IV” - Con Adamus - Saint-Germain e Tobias - 2 aprile 2005

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Crimson Circle Welcome & News

With Geoff and Linda

Channel and Shoud

Domande e risposte

Shoud 10: “Lasciar andare il Controllo” - Con Tobias - 7 maggio 2005

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Crimson Circle Welcome & News

With Geoff and Linda

Channel and Shoud

Domande e risposte

Shoud 11: “Il Sè Radioso” - 4 giugno 2005

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Crimson Circle Welcome & News

With Geoff and Linda

Channel and Shoud

Domande e risposte

Shoud 12: “Il Dono della Chiarezza” - Presentato con Tobias alla Conferenza di Nuova Energia di Mezza Estate - da Santa Fe, New Mexico - 16 luglio 2005

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Crimson Circle Welcome & News

With Geoff and Linda

    Channel and Shoud

    Channel di Chiusura da Tobias
