It all started in 1999 with a channel in a teepee in the Colorado mountains and it’s been going strong ever since. You probably already know what a channel is – that thing where an angel or entity conveys a message (or even a few jokes) through a human messenger. We say that it’s like translating from one language to another. In this case, it’s actually translating non-verbal information packets from the angelic being into words that we humans can easily understand. It’s an amazing process.

※ 現在は Transhuman Series 以降の各シャウド本編のPDF版のみが日本語訳となっています。それ以前のものについては「クリムゾンサークルジャパン」にてご確認ください。

Our first channeled information came from a loving being named Tobias, who then shared countless beautiful messages with us for the next 10 years. Since 2009, the messages have been coming from Adamus Saint-Germain.

You could say that the messages chronicle our crazy adventures of this lifetime – waking up, choosing to stay even though it’s tough, connecting with each other and learning to love ourselves even as we navigate the stormy seas of expanding consciousness. We’re consciousness pioneers, spiritual pirates discovering unknown lands of consciousness and new dimensions of creation. It’s been quite a ride, an amazing journey of integration and realization, and a journey that you’ll probably recognize.

We’ve been transcribing and/or recording the messages from the very beginning, so pull up a chair and browse through the extensive library of information contained in these pages and recordings. It doesn’t matter where you start – at the beginning, middle or most recent – because it’s going to be the perfect place for you. That’s the way it works for a Master.